Sensitivity & Preference Details

Sensitivity / PreferenceIconDetails
Cross-contactCross-contact occurs when an allergen is inadvertently transferred from a food containing an allergen to a food that does not contain the allergen. Cooking does not reduce or eliminate the chances of a person with a food allergy having a reaction to the food eaten.
Beef/Red MeatMeat from cows, sheep, venison, and bison
PorkMeat from domestic swine, including pigs, hogs, and boars
Chicken/PoultryMeat from domestic fowls, including chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks
FishMeat from aquatic vertebrates, including salmon and catfish
CrustaceansMeat from aquatic animals have jointed legs, a hard shell, and no backbone, including crab, crayfish, lobster, prawns, and shrimp.
ShellfishMeat from soft-bodied invertebrates have a calcium carbonate shell, including clams, mussels, scallops, oysters, octopus, snail, and squid.
Vegetable/Plant BasedMade or derived from plants
GlutenFood containing wheat, including bread and pasta
DairyFood products made from or containing milk, including butter and cream
PeanutsFoods made from peanuts or peanut protein
Tree nutsTree nuts include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, filberts/hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, shea nuts and walnuts.
SoyFoods made from soybeans
SesameFoods made from sesame seeds
EggUnfertilized, shelled embryos from fowl, including chickens, ducks, and quail
MushroomsFoods made from Fruit bodies of macrofungi
Garlic/Onions/AlliumsVegetables that include but are not limited to garlic, onions, leeks, scallions, chives, and shallots
Tomatoes/Peppers/NightshadesVegetables that include but are not limited to potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, red pepper flakes, eggplant, and paprika.
SulfitesPickled foods and vinegar, processed meats, soft drinks, dried fruits and vegetables, fruit jams, wine, beer, and cider
LupinLupin flour and seeds can be used in some types of bread, pastries and even in pasta.
Beans/Legumes (non-peanut)Vegetables including but not limited to kidney beans, lima beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, and green beans.
AppleFruit of the apple tree
PlumFruit of the plum tree
BananaFruit of the banana plant
PeachFruit of the peach tree
CornGrain that is producted by the corn plant
PoppyPoppy seeds
Coriander/CilantroLeaves of the coriander / cilantro plant
MustardPaste created from the seeds of the mustard plant
HoneySugary substance made by bees
SugarAdditional sugar added, not necessarily natural sugars
Artificial SugarSynthetic sweetners including Equal/aspartame, Sweet’N Low/saccharin, and Splenda/sucralose
Artificial ColorPigments derived from chemicals
Palm OilVegetable oil derived from the fruit of the oil palm
Sunflower OilVegetable oil derived from the seeds of the sunflower plant
AlcoholBeverages containing alcohol including beers, wines, and spirits
CaffieneStimulant found in most coffees and soft drinks
GelatinFood ingredient derived from animals